student standing in cattle area with animals

Beef Specialist

JWCC牛肉专家证书培训学生直接照顾肉牛, emphasizing nutrition, reproduction, growth, and development. 从8月下旬到3月中旬,每周有两到三天的课程. 技术知识和实际操作培训是通过在Baylis附近191英亩的牛肉研究单位与牛/小牛群一起工作获得的, IL in Pike County. Paid internships are available.

Several cattle

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Suggested Degree Plan for Beef Specialist Certificate
Do not use this degree plan as a substitute for an advisor. 在每学期注册课程之前,一定要和导师讨论你完成课程的具体需求.
Fall Details
AGR 161 Animal Evaluation and Selection I Details 3
种畜和市场家畜评价与选择中形式与功能关系的研究. 0.5 lecture hours, 5 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
Locations: Available at the Agricultural Education Center (Baylis)
AGR 202 Introduction to Animal Science Details 4
畜牧生产与管理原理的基础课程, including breed identification, evaluation and selection, feeding, reproduction, sanitation, disease control, and physiology of beef cattle, dairy cattle, swine, sheep and poultry. 3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours; IAI: AG 902
Prerequisites: (none)
FYE 101 Blazing Your Trail Details 1
Directed to new students, 本课程提供了向高等教育文化的支持性过渡. 课程目标旨在通过获得有效的学习技巧,并了解可用于学术和个人成长的大学资源,为学生的大学生活做好准备. This course also develops students' abilities, which will assist them with the complexities of college life.
Prerequisites: (none)
Various Approved Electives (Beef Specialist Certificate) (3-5) Details 3-5
Approved electives for the Beef Specialist Certificate.
AGR 152 Natural Resource Management Details 3
基础课程,强调农业生产者规划保护计划的重要性和实践方面. 学生将为自己的农场或导师提供的农场学习并制定保护计划. 深入研究保育措施及其经济考虑,将使学生更好地了解规划使用的必要性, treatment and protection of soil, water, air, woodlands, wildlife, and energy use.
Prerequisites: (none)
Locations: Available at the Agricultural Education Center (Baylis)
AGR 184 Agriculture Commodity Marketing Details 2
本课程将涵盖理解和使用期货和期权的基本和实用方法. 讨论的主题将包括芝加哥期货交易所(CBOT)的历史和转型, trade terminology, the definition and function of futures and options contracts, price, origination, and cash contracts. 本课程的目标是解释营销工具以及如何使用它们来避免农业经营中的价格风险.
Prerequisites: (none)
AGR 189 Agricultural Finance and Records Details 3
The study of record keeping systems and accounting principles. 会计系统的类型,预算,折旧和摊销时间表将被讨论. Additional topics include the importance of the proper use of credit in the agriculture business; the use of equity and debt capital as a management tool; the application of short, intermediate, and long-term credit; alternative sources of credit; lender's credit analysis and loan servicing; and debt management.
Prerequisites: (none)
Locations: Available at the Agricultural Education Center (Baylis)
AGR 270 Agricultural Mechanization Skills Details 3
介绍农场和农业综合经营中的机械维护和操作问题. 本课程强调一般力学和农业机械操作的学习. 时间将用于基本的农场/农业行业安全政策和程序, 农场设备和建筑公用设施系统的操作和基本维修程序. 基础研究给予电气布线系统的建筑物, plumbing repair, welding skills and basic carpentry knowledge. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
Spring Details
AGR 164 Animal Nutrition and Health Details 3
具有单胃和反刍消化系统的动物营养和维持健康的基本原则. Study of essential nutrients, feed ingredients and additives, balancing rations and economic considerations in feeding. 深入分析了通常生产和喂养牲畜的作物的营养成分. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
Locations: Available at the Agricultural Education Center (Baylis)
AGR 165 Beef Management Details 2
旨在重点关注牛肉生产的原则,强调管理肉牛群所需的技能和知识. Topics include selection of breeding stock, artificial insemination, reproductive physiology, beef cow nutrition, herd health programs, forage management, wean to finish, management and marketing.
Prerequisites: (none)
Locations: Available at the Agricultural Education Center (Baylis)
AGR 167 Applied Beef Production Skills Details 2
学生将在伊利诺伊大学奥尔牛肉研究中心协助履行与奶牛和小牛有关的职责. Possible duties might include vaccinating, moving and handling breeding cows, preparing for parturition and calving cows, processing newborns, and caring for young calves. 学生还可以协助其他有关奶牛和新生小牛的研究活动. 0.5 lecture hours, 3 lab hours.
Prerequisites: (none)
Locations: 可在农业教育中心和伊利诺伊大学牛肉研究中心(贝利斯)获得
AGR 169 Artificial Insemination - Cattle Details 1
Study of the physiology of the reproductive tract of cattle and the use of insemination equipment for breeding of cattle; includes procedures that make artificial insemination practical. 0.5 lecture hours, 1 lab hour
Prerequisites: (none)
AGR 175 Computer Applications in Agribusiness Details 3
介绍微型计算机在农业综合经营中的应用:文字处理, spreadsheets, data base management, presentation software, and use of the Internet. Satisfies JWCC computer competency requirement. (Same as CSC 106)
Prerequisites: (none)
Locations: Available at the Agricultural Education Center (Baylis)
AGR 186 Agriculture Business Management Details 3
强调为农场或与农业相关的业务制定商业计划. The decision-making process, budgeting (enterprise, partial, business, and cash-flow), setting priorities, 生产效率和相关主题是本课程的重要组成部分.
Prerequisites: (none)
Locations: Available at the Agricultural Education Center (Baylis)
Various Approved Electives (Beef Specialist Certificate) (2-4) Details 2-4
Approved electives for the Beef Specialist Certificate.
AGR 152 Natural Resource Management Details 3
基础课程,强调农业生产者规划保护计划的重要性和实践方面. 学生将为自己的农场或导师提供的农场学习并制定保护计划. 深入研究保育措施及其经济考虑,将使学生更好地了解规划使用的必要性, treatment and protection of soil, water, air, woodlands, wildlife, and energy use.
Prerequisites: (none)
Locations: Available at the Agricultural Education Center (Baylis)
AGR 184 Agriculture Commodity Marketing Details 2
本课程将涵盖理解和使用期货和期权的基本和实用方法. 讨论的主题将包括芝加哥期货交易所(CBOT)的历史和转型, trade terminology, the definition and function of futures and options contracts, price, origination, and cash contracts. 本课程的目标是解释营销工具以及如何使用它们来避免农业经营中的价格风险.
Prerequisites: (none)
AGR 189 Agricultural Finance and Records Details 3
The study of record keeping systems and accounting principles. 会计系统的类型,预算,折旧和摊销时间表将被讨论. Additional topics include the importance of the proper use of credit in the agriculture business; the use of equity and debt capital as a management tool; the application of short, intermediate, and long-term credit; alternative sources of credit; lender's credit analysis and loan servicing; and debt management.
Prerequisites: (none)
Locations: Available at the Agricultural Education Center (Baylis)
AGR 270 Agricultural Mechanization Skills Details 3
介绍农场和农业综合经营中的机械维护和操作问题. 本课程强调一般力学和农业机械操作的学习. 时间将用于基本的农场/农业行业安全政策和程序, 农场设备和建筑公用设施系统的操作和基本维修程序. 基础研究给予电气布线系统的建筑物, plumbing repair, welding skills and basic carpentry knowledge. 2 lecture hours, 2 lab hours
Prerequisites: (none)
Spring / Summer Details
AGR 199 Occupational Internship I Details 1-5 (Varies)
Students are placed in selected areas of production, 了解这些企业在实际工作条件下的园艺和农业综合企业. 这种经历使学生能够探索并将知识应用于他/她的职业兴趣. 由学院工作人员和经营企业双重监督. 课程要求每学分80小时的工作经验.
Prerequisites: Consent of department

Gainful Employment: For more information about graduation rates, cost, the median debt of students who complete the program, and other information, please view our Gainful Employment information for the particular certificate of study.